Allow me to new motto:
If the question is "fight or flight?", I'm fight...every time.
Except I'm learning that "fight" isn't always best. I don't mean fighting isn't best in a "suck it up and live my life" sort of situation, because I will always fight under those circumstances. I mean more in the "fight to change the outcome" circumstances. I'm learning the hard way that there are times in which I can't control the outcomes. Lots of times, actually. I've spent months swingin', kickin', yellin'...but Circumstances (capitalized for effect) treated me like the mean older siblings I never had. They held my short statured self a giant arm's length away and giggled as I carried on. I've finally tired myself out. I got the message ;-)
His yoke is easy, His burden is light. I may not always be 'happy', but I'm constantly blessed. Friends and family have rallied around me in numbers. I am not alone.
I hear You, Lord. I'm going to be like the guinea pig and take up shop in my little red wagon. I'm fully and completely at Your mercy, 'cause I can't steer it with my itty bitty guinea pig arms. I am left to trust. Fully. Completely.
As for Circumstances?
They see me rollin'
They hatin'.
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