Friday, July 22, 2016

Summer Trips - in the yard and stuff...

I took a half day of vacation today.

It's Fri-yay, afterall. Frinally.  And every other bad Friday pun you can think of.  So why not, yes?

I thought about all the incredible things I would do with those precious hours throughout my entire commute.  Which is approximately 7 minutes long.

Despite the intense heat (should I not know better after 17yrs?), I thought I would enjoy wringing my mind out by taking a trip down to our sorta local boat rental park, climbing into my favorite boat, driving it out to the center of all that is good, and getting in touch with that tiny part of me that is considered Native American.  It's probably 15% or grandmother's grandmother...whatever the calculus thinks.

I (finally, approximately 7 mins later, ugh...) arrived home and quickly became distracted by the plethora of unfinished household tasks.  Dishes in the sink.  A random chicken that escaped her run.  No, seriously.  The fact that there were only 3 towels left for showers, unless you wouldn't mind using a damp one in that pile over there.  Two remaining rolls of toilet paper, clearly enough for me for 24hrs, but not the other family members.  And the trash cans were still out at the end of the road.

I figured I'd just get that stuff together and THEN I'd be lake bound...

So I tried to:
  • put the dishes away, but kept dropping them  
  • put a sandwich together, but dropped that too
  • hand my son his cell phone, but bounced it off the floor 
  • walk up the stairs with the towels, but tripped and caught myself with my left wrist (that really could have felt better)
  • bring the trash cans up and around the back of the house, but stepped wrong and fell...down...tucked...and rolled...literally...for approximately 5 feet...'cause our front yard is a slight hill
  • get in the car to take my son to work, but didn't lift my leg high enough, caught it on the sill, and fell into the driver's seat
  • tell my son I was fine and I was going to go to the lake for a little while, but he made faces at me and said, "Mom.  Please.  Just go home and stay there."
Nobody puts Baby in a corner.  

"How's your time off going, Tina?" 

Like this, thanks:
While this all sounds somewhat negative, it certainly isn't meant to be.  In fact?  You can be assured that:

  • if anyone was driving by as I was rolling down the hill of my yard, they were impressed with my athleticism.  I make this look good.
  • my dog doesn't mind the hand tremors, because he gets the dropped food
  • my son will no longer trust me to carry his phone 
  • I'm done with housework for the day, I'll tell you THAT right's rather dangerous

And last but not least?  Be assured that I'll be on that boat at some point ;)

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