Sunday, June 24, 2018

Summer 2018 - starting off on the good side of "meh"...


1. The season where a detailed physical inventory is taken: what's working, what's fizzling out a little, and what's just "notting".  

2. A time to try on clothes and find out just how difficult the 3 preceding seasons have been.  


#2 is far more difficult than the frequent pain levels above a 6/7, the sensory chaos, and intermittent brown outs of hearing in that pesky left ear of mine.  And a new one - the sun on my skin suddenly doesn't feel as nice as it always has.  

Definitely gon' push through that one, tho ;)

We have a vacation coming and us MSers are all about tireless prep ahead of a trip, right?  First off, I thought I had better pick up a few things to wear, seeing as how the majority of my summer stuff is extremely old and/or uncool.  It's been an adventure.  I'll go...

Like, I may or may not have been temporarily trapped in a swimsuit top.  Definitely was.  Rest assured, I was (finally) able to free myself with a great deal of perseverance, determination, and rather spirited writhing.  No rescue efforts were required.  No copays resulted.  Both the swimsuit and I came out of the dressing room in one piece.  I came home, bought online and am presently awaiting my shipment.  If this goes down in some kind of way, at least I'll be in the comfort of my own room when the EMTs arrive...

Then, I thought those spandex leggings might be a nice addition to my casual wear, as well as a great way to hide the years of "not really" that my legs have been through.  I mean, all my friends look super cute and cool in them.  Surely I would as well!  Had them halfway up, felt the fabric squeezing my legs and wanted them off immediately.  Clearly, clothing that constricts is not for those of us who knoweth the "MS hug".

And I wear these knock off crocs to the beach (yes my pants are wet - blame it on the water behind me that beckons me from afar):

They're pretty loud, right?  I mean, I thought to buy some cute sandals for vacation and just go barefoot on the beach like everyone else, because I know how silly I look in them.  But, the mix of hypersensitivity and pins and needles and random cold-as-ice sensations I get in my feet?  And the way certain textures I walk on can totally magnify each of those?  And the fact that these clunky things are pretty wide and have a snowshoe effect that helps me to stay super balanced both on land and out in the water?  Makes me think...

Maybe I'm super cool just the way I am.  

Because I'm fighting a battle you can't see...

And my love for that water, the way I can choose to suspend myself and float, or allow it to rock me back and forth, or stand and dive headfirst into it, or sit up in waist high water to allow waves to crash into me and catapult me around like a tumbleweed far surpasses what I happen to be wearing on my feet.  Even when they're hot pink.  

Who knows?  Maybe the beach will be heavily populated with middle aged women in a cornucopia of rubber shoes this year?  

Okay, no.  But don't front and say it wasn't at least a great visual...

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